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Tangle angel baby - a miniature key ring, handbag friendly
version of its sister brush, heaven sent to gently tease away
tangled tresses with elegance and ease just like the tangle
angel, the new tangle angel baby features a range of technologies and benefits to keep hair smooth, silky & tangle-free on-the-go anti-static - anti-static properties prevent flyaway hair leaving it smooth and silky heat resistant - retains its shape when used with high temperatures generated by hairdryers, and prevents static & flyaway hairs antibacterial - specially developed antibacterial additives embedded in the plastic make your tangle angel baby ultra hygienic and safe to use. Royal and celebrity hairdresser Richard ward says…. “Baby angel is already proving to be a huge hit. It’s ideal for a gym bag, a children’s school bag or just a fun gift".

Tangle Angel Baby Key Ring

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